People who suck
Current mood:
There is a man I used to date... I'll refer to him as 'mr. head-chop-off'. Why do I call him that, you ask? Well, we were involved off and on for three years. During the last year of the RELATIONSHIP FROM HELL, we (I) had decided we(I) no longer wanted to talk anymore that January.
Because I'm so sentimental, at Valentine's Day I decided to call his home during work hours and wish him a happy Valentine's Day on his voicemail. I did not want to send a card because I didn't want him to think I had changed my mind about us. I didn't want to call in the evening because I didn't want to SPEAK TO HIM.
Those of you who know me, know that Valentine's Day is a very special day for me. You also know the reason why, and it has nothing to do with a person.
Anyway, I called mr.headchopoff's phone number, prepared to leave a message but instead a woman answered. I asked if mr.hco was there because I was stunned that someone answered, especially since it was a woman.
She asked who I was and I asked who SHE was. Finally I gave her my first name and asked where mr.hco was. She paused for a moment and then told me that he was dead. She said that 'they' came and got him and cut off his head and threw it in the water for the fish to eat. I asked where his body was and she said she didn't know.
By this time I was sobbing and asked what was being done. She said there was blood all over the place and it was horrible but she didn't know anything except that he was dead. Then she said someone was coming and she had to go, and she hung up.
The first thing I did was get online and googled his name to see if there was anything about a man getting killed in the place he lived, which I'll call jerkface city. No stories showed up for him. I didn't know what to do so I found the phone number of the police station in jerkface city and called them to ask if there had been a crime like the one 'Vicki' or 'Marie' (she couldn't remember her name) told me about. The officer who answered took down mr.hco's address and my phone number and said they would send someone out there to check things out. She told me she would call me back after they got some answers.
She called me back about an hour later. Evidently the woman who answered the phone was an 'old friend' of mr.hco and had been staying with him for about a week. The police had gone to the workplace of mr.hco and brought him to his home. At that time they realized that 'Vicki' needed to go to a psychiatric hospital because she was not taking her medicine and was completely out of her mind.
I got all of this information from the female police officer who returned my call. She said that mr.hco was fine, Vicki was in the psychiatric hospital, and mr.hco, when questioned, told the police that he didn't know anyone from Georgia named Sheri. Then the woman told me that she didn't know what my relationship was with him, but he refused to acknowledge that he even knew me. She spoke to me in a very 'you are a ho' tone and told me to have a nice day and hung up.
While I was very grateful that he was not dead, I was confused at why he told them he didn't know me. All day I thought about it, and it really hurt my feelings. So around 9:30 that night I got a call from him. He said that he just wanted to thank me for helping him get rid of that woman, because she was crazy.
He actually had gone back to work, knowing I had called the police, thinking he was dead (and knowing he had lied about not knowing me), but did he call me? No. He even went to a bar after work and got trashed. When he finally got home he called me with that BS about 'thanking me'. We spoke for a few minutes and then hung up. And I was very PISSED.
So he called me the next day and when I asked him about not knowing me he said that they told him that a woman named Sheri from Georgia had called and since he lived in the Keys, he was thinking that he didn't know anyone in the Keys named Sheri, and that's why he said that. Um. Yeah. Uh huh.
I asked about Vicki and he said she had been passing through town and although they had a relationship while he lived in Georgia she was sleeping on the sofa while she was there. No, I didn't believe him, and it brought up a whole new set of questions about how she knew how to get in touch with him since he and I were together when he moved to jerkface city....had he been calling her, too, during the three years he was there??? "Of course not!" he told me. "You're the only woman I want!"
From that moment on I didn't believe anything he said to me. I caught him in many more lies and I think he knew that I didn't believe him anymore. When he stood me up on Christmas for the third time out of the four Christmases we could have been together, I finally said, "ENOUGH!"
So although I was the one who said the words, he was the one who basically broke up with me by his actions. When a person cares they do not treat the person they are supposedly 'with' the way he treated me.
I told him that I did not want to talk to him again. Not to wait a week or a month or 2 months,etc., and then call me again, like he had always done. I was finished. I had been for a long time but hadn't had the guts to say it until then, but I made myself very clear (I thought) that last time we talked.
So I thought he had moved back to Pennsylvania, but it turns out he only stayed there for a couple of days and then went back down to the Keys and has been working there since. How do I know all of this? Because mr.headchopoff had the nads to call me one day last week. He called my house phone and didn't get me and then called my cell and I didn't answer because I didn't recognize the number. I had long ago deleted him from my cell phone. When I listened to his voicemail, he sounded like he was sick and asked me to call him back, which I did not do.
He called me again while I was in the doctor's office and I answered and told him I was busy and asked if I could call him back, even though I had no intentions of doing so.
When I was pulling out of the dr's office, he called me again. After talking to him for just a few minutes I found out that he quit his job in jerkface city and is moving back to PA. Since one of his daughters lives in GA, he will be 'stopping through', and wanted to know if I was interested in 'getting together' while he is here. In other words, he actually thinks I would consider being a booty call and just be ready for whenever he rides through town. PLEASE!
I am mad at myself for letting him treat me badly for such a long time, but this time I am finally mad at HIM for assuming it was okay to treat anyone like he had done to me.
No, I will not be meeting him to 'make love', as he put it. There was no love in our relationship, and there certainly isn't NOW! What an asshole! Do women actually fall for that crap? As I ask that, I am embarrassed that I fell for it for that long.
The reason I am writing about it here is because I want everyone who reads this to know that DAVE will not be getting anything from Sheri EVER!!!!!!!
No, I will not meet him for a meal. No, he is not welcome at my house for a visit (and if he just shows up, which he usually does, I will hide and not answer the door or phone). No, I will not go to his hotel to meet him. NO, I WILL NOT BE SEEING HIM EVER AGAIN!
ENOUGH, ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Re-run post from 6/17/08 on Myspace
Post-Valentines Day
Well, well, well. Another Valentine's Day with no valentine. At least I wasn't still with that dickhead from last year.
I had an appointment with the pain doctor today and it was very productive. I received a trigger point injection on both sides of my neck. Ow-f'ing-ow! Quite painful. But it did help. Before I got there I could barely turn my head and now it only hurts to turn my head. He said to see if the shots helped any and if they didn't we would look into another (my 3rd) epidural. Those are just a little bit painful, too, so I'd rather avoid it. Every time he has done something new to me (trigger points, facet injections) I ask if it's gonna hurt. He ALWAYS says, "It's not gonna hurt ME at all!"
I had an appointment with the pain doctor today and it was very productive. I received a trigger point injection on both sides of my neck. Ow-f'ing-ow! Quite painful. But it did help. Before I got there I could barely turn my head and now it only hurts to turn my head. He said to see if the shots helped any and if they didn't we would look into another (my 3rd) epidural. Those are just a little bit painful, too, so I'd rather avoid it. Every time he has done something new to me (trigger points, facet injections) I ask if it's gonna hurt. He ALWAYS says, "It's not gonna hurt ME at all!"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Late night thoughts
It is 1:30AM on Valentine's Day. I was going to write that I hate not having a special person this year, but then I remembered the creep I was seeing last year and I decided I would MUCH rather be alone than have to be with a jerk like him.
I have an appointment with the pain doctor later today. Can't wait. My neck has been bothering me and I will most likely get a shot in each side of my neck. Ouch! Yes, it hurts. But it makes it better later. Really.
Not much else going on. I ordered a Nook last week and am waiting for it to arrive at my house. I am very excited about it, especially since I got it for $80. I am also waiting for a device that takes cassettes and makes mp3 files with them. I probably have 300 cassettes here that I would LOVE to get rid of. The device was only about $25. That will give me something fun to do and then I can make a huge donation of cassette tapes to Goodwill.
I have an appointment with the pain doctor later today. Can't wait. My neck has been bothering me and I will most likely get a shot in each side of my neck. Ouch! Yes, it hurts. But it makes it better later. Really.
Not much else going on. I ordered a Nook last week and am waiting for it to arrive at my house. I am very excited about it, especially since I got it for $80. I am also waiting for a device that takes cassettes and makes mp3 files with them. I probably have 300 cassettes here that I would LOVE to get rid of. The device was only about $25. That will give me something fun to do and then I can make a huge donation of cassette tapes to Goodwill.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Long time no see!
Hello to everyone (all 2 of you) who have missed out on my ramblings for such a long time. The reason I stopped writing is because Ceil decided that my blog was somehow her business. I lost my desire to write about things that concerned me or gave me a giggle because her nosy busybody self was reading my thoughts. I specifically keep to myself because I don't want THEM in my life, so I just don't get what the problem is. STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY WRITING! I want nothing to do with you!
Now that I've taken care of that ugliness, I have missed writing about the nothings that are funny in my mind. And I am right now watching the movie, Julie and Julia, which is about a woman who writes a blog as she cooks through Julia Child's Joy of Cooking book. What a great movie. Makes me want to go cook something. Light, of course, since I am currently on Weight Watchers. My first week I lost 5.6 pounds. I don't think I lost anything last week. Not that I didn't follow the diet, because I did. Maybe overnight I will lose about 3 pounds. Nothing wrong with hoping. I want this year to be the year that I lose weight so that some December, when thinking about resolutions for the new year, I will NOT have to list, "LOSE WEIGHT", like one of my friends was able to do this year. Jenn, I salute you!
Oh, how I would love to be able to cook like Julia Child, and have people over and serve them like I know what I'm doing. I've got so much china and crystal and serving pieces, I could have a beautiful spread of a meal. But I don't do it. I've never used my china (any of it) with guests, nor have I let them use any of my crystal, some of which is very very old. I have no silver, except for the tea pot and coffee pot, but I don't care to have any silverware. I'd just have to use my regular stuff. Someday I will do it. I dream of having ladies over for coffee with my beautiful china cups, and making some kind of fancy pastries or cake to eat off of the china plates. And use the cloth napkins. All that snooty stuff, I want to do one day!
For now I live alone with my dog. I eat my meals off paper plates, sitting on the sofa facing the tv, and using the coffee table to eat off of. Not real fancy, but I guess I am in a rut. I know I am important enough to cook good food just for me, and use my china and crystal even though it's just me, but I can't seem to actually do it. So I opt for a hot dog and french fries on a paper plate and a Sprite Zero right out of the can. Oh, and a banana. Gotta get those 5 fruits and vegetables in.
My birthday is coming up the week after next. The one person I desperately want to treat me like it's a special day is my son, but he is still in the 'I hate Mom' stage, so I doubt he will even call me. He already told me he's not getting me a gift (just like at Christmas) because he's saving for ANOTHER gun. Nothing like being ignored because the money has to go toward another gun. But I will survive, just as I do every year. Probably get a mani/pedi and maybe get my hair cut or colored. We'll see.
So enough boring talk. And just as I typed that, I can't think of anything fun to write about. It is 3:50 AM, after all. Maybe later today I'll have something good to say. Just make sure that CEIL knows she is not welcome here!!!
Now that I've taken care of that ugliness, I have missed writing about the nothings that are funny in my mind. And I am right now watching the movie, Julie and Julia, which is about a woman who writes a blog as she cooks through Julia Child's Joy of Cooking book. What a great movie. Makes me want to go cook something. Light, of course, since I am currently on Weight Watchers. My first week I lost 5.6 pounds. I don't think I lost anything last week. Not that I didn't follow the diet, because I did. Maybe overnight I will lose about 3 pounds. Nothing wrong with hoping. I want this year to be the year that I lose weight so that some December, when thinking about resolutions for the new year, I will NOT have to list, "LOSE WEIGHT", like one of my friends was able to do this year. Jenn, I salute you!
Oh, how I would love to be able to cook like Julia Child, and have people over and serve them like I know what I'm doing. I've got so much china and crystal and serving pieces, I could have a beautiful spread of a meal. But I don't do it. I've never used my china (any of it) with guests, nor have I let them use any of my crystal, some of which is very very old. I have no silver, except for the tea pot and coffee pot, but I don't care to have any silverware. I'd just have to use my regular stuff. Someday I will do it. I dream of having ladies over for coffee with my beautiful china cups, and making some kind of fancy pastries or cake to eat off of the china plates. And use the cloth napkins. All that snooty stuff, I want to do one day!
For now I live alone with my dog. I eat my meals off paper plates, sitting on the sofa facing the tv, and using the coffee table to eat off of. Not real fancy, but I guess I am in a rut. I know I am important enough to cook good food just for me, and use my china and crystal even though it's just me, but I can't seem to actually do it. So I opt for a hot dog and french fries on a paper plate and a Sprite Zero right out of the can. Oh, and a banana. Gotta get those 5 fruits and vegetables in.
My birthday is coming up the week after next. The one person I desperately want to treat me like it's a special day is my son, but he is still in the 'I hate Mom' stage, so I doubt he will even call me. He already told me he's not getting me a gift (just like at Christmas) because he's saving for ANOTHER gun. Nothing like being ignored because the money has to go toward another gun. But I will survive, just as I do every year. Probably get a mani/pedi and maybe get my hair cut or colored. We'll see.
So enough boring talk. And just as I typed that, I can't think of anything fun to write about. It is 3:50 AM, after all. Maybe later today I'll have something good to say. Just make sure that CEIL knows she is not welcome here!!!
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