With that ugliness behind us, let me say that you all look marvelous and it's good to see you again! I hope your lives are going in a good direction and you are enjoying what you've got going on.
This past Saturday I went to see Cirque du Soleil Dralion with Melissa (Shelby), Bridget (BB), and Sherry (Sherry Lynn). Chuck got us tickets for a suite at the Arena at Gwinnett. These tickets are very expensive and there was no way any of us could have paid for them, so free was good. Unfortunately (for me), the other girls decided to have a few drinks before the show at BB's house, and then Shelby brought in a flask of bubble gum flavored vodka that she had tucked in her panties since they don't allow that at the arena. So they were all tipsy, to say the least.
We had been told several times that no cell phones or cameras were allowed to be used to record or take pictures of any part of the show, so what does BB do but take several pictures with her phone, using the flash, so it would have been very easy for us to be found and thrown out. I finally impressed upon her to stop that so then she and Sherry Lynn decided to have a conversation about the show. I 'shushed' them a couple of times and then Shelby whispered to me that she was about to send both of them a text that said 'Silence is Golden'. I told her I was about to send them messages that said 'STFU!'
BB and Sherry Lynn missed the very best part of the show...the part with the trampolines. But they had gone to get food and smoke. They both smoke A LOT. So when they got back, Shelby was good enough to tell them all about how they missed the most incredible thing she's ever seen. She's mean like that. LOL
So after it was over we all had to use the restroom. BB and Sherry Lynn went quickly so they could go outside and smoke AGAIN before we walked all the way to the car (we were parked in the very first parking place at the arena because two of us have handicapped tags) where they could smoke again. When Shelby and I came out of the restroom there was an arena employee there to kind of shoo us out of there because they had another show that started at 7 and they had to clean up. While she was talking to us Shelby actually farted. Out loud. Right in front of the lady. I tried to pretend like I didn't hear it but the lady laughed. Of course, Shelby acted like nothing had happened so I'm sure the arena lady thought it was me who farted. I could kill her.
Next we went over to eat at a sports bar near the arena. Shelby spent the whole meal burping so loud I was sure the people around us were thinking we were part of the Clampetts, coming to town for the first time ever. I was quite embarrassed, but they were all drunk so they didn't care.
We went back to BB's house so that Shelby could let her dogs out, and while we were there BB decided to 'rest her eyes' for two hours so we ended up not going out anywhere else. I didn't feel like doing anything that day, so I'm sure they all thought I was a spoil sport. I just wasn't feeling well. I had been diagnosed that Monday with shingles, and we had storms coming in so all day my body felt like I had been beat up. I should not have gone out Saturday at all, but I wanted to see Cirque so badly. I felt like everybody but me had been before so I really wanted to go. Plus I had bugged Chuck about it for months and I didn't want to make him mad. So I went. I loved the show but just didn't feel like being around people so I wasn't any fun. It's been like that a lot lately and I don't know what to do about it. My days are spent napping because I cannot sleep at night. So I stay up and watch tv or get online and send emails. Yay, me! What a great life this has begun to be. My doctor told me it would get worse before it got WORSE, so I don't know what I expected. Not this, though.
Wow, what a total downer blog post. I'm just tired. Sick and tired, actually. And there is no cure for what ails me. I imagine life in 10 years and feel even worse. Oh, well. Can't change it so I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hope things get better. Anything's possible, right?
1 comment:
I am so jealous that you got to see Dralion...But Happy you got to see it too. It looked like it was great. How much fun was that. Sorry that your friends did not appreciate it more...or pay attention. Keep your chin up. I was happy to see your blog!
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