I went to the pool at Bogan Park for the first time. I have not been swimming in many years. My doctor won't get off my tail about exercising, and this is the only thing he wants me to do because of the nature of my illnesses. Of course. The one 'sport' in which you have to wear something that shows your body. Oh, and at Bogan Park Aquatics Center, they do not allow shorts, sports bras, or t-shirts. Oh how nice.
First off, I went in and had to go to my 'happy place' as I walked from the bench where I had put my towel, shirt, and keys. I tried to act nonchalant about the whole thing, but I was just about to die of emarrassment. Did I mention that my giant bathing suit has a skirt on it?
I managed to get in the pool and started doing the exercises I learned at my 'old lady arthritis class' a couple of years ago. I stayed in about 35 minutes and then got out, got to my stuff, and practically RAN out of there and to my car.
I am not happy about having to do this exercise, but evidently I don't have any choice. DAMN!
When I got home I took two showers and still couldn't get the smell of chlorine out of my nose. Not that I'm complaining about the chlorine. I could just imagine all of those kids peeing in the pool, so no amount of chlorine is too much!
This is similar to the GIANT BATHING SUIT, except mine is a bit uglier and a lot bigger.

Day 2
So today I went back to the pool. I was minding my own business when I heard someone say, "Miss Adams?" When I turned around it was the girl who checked me in. She said, "These men need to speak with you." The men being 2 cops. I nearly had a heart attack first off, because I immediately thought something must be wrong with Trey. So I looked at them and they 'asked' me to step out of the pool and come into the breezeway so we could talk. At this point I have already crapped myself three times. (not really)
I got out of the pool, got my towel and flip flops, and walked out with them. Of course EVERYONE at the pool was watching the whole thing, so blending in and not having the GIANT BATHING SUIT noticed became out of the question. After I followed them, one told me that I needed to move my car because I was 'over the line' in the handicapped space. I told him that I have a handicapped tag but he said that my tire was over the line for the ramp to the sidewalk and I needed to move in case a wheelchair needed access to the pool. I told him that I am handicapped and that's the best parking I could do. Ha. Ha. Ha. They didn't laugh. They just got on their BIKES (as in BICYCLES) and watched me re-park my car. Then they told me just to always park between the two lines. Really?
I thought about just leaving but I had left some stuff inside. So I went in to get my items, planning to leave, since EVERYONE was staring at me again. But I figured that I was already in there, so I might as well get back in. I did, and exercised another half hour.
This exercise thing better work, what, with all of the mortification I am experiencing.
Oh, and I saw a female with a t-shirt on UNDER her swimsuit. Nice, huh? Only in Buford.
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